3 Leaf Cigars is a partnership between Erik Wentworth who once worked for Hammer + Sickle cigars and James Ferriera, a fan of cigars with a nose for business. Will this partnership work? Will Erik Wentworth be able to take this company to higher heights then Hammer + Sickle which was from where I sit was more of a regional cigar brand. Time will tell, just like with any new company. Their first release is […]
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Hammer + Sickle
Erik Wentworth has annoucned the release of 3 LEAF. According to a press release. It is a brand born from the knowledge obtained during 15 years in the cigar industry, the relationships – both professional and social – that have formed during that time, and my undying passion for cigars.” Erik Wentworth’s journey in the cigar industry began with a New Hampshire retailer where he worked as a tobacconist. It was there that he met […]