Originally released in 2018 the HVC First Selection Broadleaf is an ongoing limited production cigar that has been re-released in 2024 in a 10 count paper bundle of 10 Cigars.
Nicaragua Cigar Review
Las Calaveras by Crowned Heads has been a yearly limited edition since 2014. Each year the blend changes, but the concept behind the cigar remains the same. The release inspired by a zinc etching called Las Calaveras Catrina is meant to commemorate the memories of people who had died the year more. However, unlike years past, 2024 will see two separate releases for the 10th anniversary of the limited edition. The second release which should […]
Aganorsa Leaf Arsenio is named after Arsenio Ramos the former master blender at the Nicaragua based company who passed away in 2018 at the age of 83. It’s the first time Aganorsa has released a cigar with his name, though when the company was known as Casa Fernández there was a line called, Casa Fernandez Arsenio which has long been discontinued. Arsenio Ramos was born in Cuba in 1934 where we worked for decades in […]